Tarot with Sonila


How May I Help You?

A leading Mumbai, India based Tarot card and Horoscope reader providing service since past 10 years and addressing a large client base of individuals from different fields.


Tarot card Reading

Anxious about the current events happening in your life ? Get your answers. Get the Tarot reading done.


Horoscope Reading

Take better decisions in your life with Message of the Stars.


Match making

Planning for the marriage? Get the Gun Milap done, coupled with tarot predictions

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot card reading is the practice of using Tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards.

It’s an ancient practice hailing a strong a heritage from 18th century in European countries, where a person can get the divine message from the supreme power through the interpretation of the cards.

Each card depicts the event of the life. Hence, appearance of certain cards during the reading sessions states the story of an individual’s life – it’s present, past and coming future.

Understanding the cards can help answer what YOU would want to know about a particular situation; especially events happening or about to happen in your life. This will help YOU to overcome any anxiousness and doubts with regards to the unfolding events of your life.

Tarot predictions act like a guiding star enabling YOU to understand the cosmic indications and thus helping be more prepared to accept the upcoming divine events. It also helps in correcting your current life karmas.

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Horoscope Reading

Horoscope serves as a stylized map of the heavens over a specific location at a particular moment in time.

A persons horoscope has the “ Message of the Stars”.

It is an astrological chart representing the positions of the constellations (Nakshatras), planets and sensitive angles at the time of a person’s birth.

Horoscope actually serves as a stylized map of the heavens over a specific location at a particular moment in time. Accurate analysis or reading of the horoscope can help YOU make better choices and decisions, thus helping YOU in shaping your destiny and the life events.

Match Making

Lucky are the person who gets the best match as their life companion.

Marriage is one of the most important events of the life. Lucky are the person who gets the best match as their life companion.

It’s therefore important, that before planning the wedding to get the Gun Milap  – ancient eight-fold Vedic compatibility test of horoscopes, i.e. matchmaking analysis of both – the girl and boy’s natal chart. It analyzes the charts based on the placement of the Moon and Mars.

Gun Milap along with the tarot card predictions can help YOU take much accurate and better decisions